1 | Dr Ravi Sirdeshmukh | Distinguished Scientist & Associate Director Institute of Bioinformatics Bangalore | ravisirdeshmukh@gmail.com |
3 | Dr Rakesh K Mishra | Director CSIR-Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB) Hyderabad | mishra@ccmb.res.in |
4 | Dr Surekha Zingde | Prof. and Ex - Dy.Director Advanced Centre for Training Research and Education in Cancer (ACTREC) Mumbai | surekha.zingde@gmail.com |
5 | Dr MA Vijayalakshmi | Professor and Director Centre for Bioseparation Technology (CBST) VIT University Vellore | indviji@yahoo.com |
6 | Dr Mahesh J Kulkarni | Scientist CSIR-National Chemical Laboratory (NCL) Pune | mj.kulkarni@ncl.res.in |
7 | Prof Abhijit Mitra | Professor International Institute of Information Technology (IIIT) Hyderabad | abi_chem@iiit.ac.in |
9 | Dr Abhijit Chakrabarti | Professor Saha institute of Nuclear Physics (SINP) Kolkatta | abhijit.chakrabarti@saha.ac.in |
10 | Dr Priyanka P Parte | Scientist C Gamete Immunobiology Division National Institute of Research in Reproductive Health (NIRRH) Mumbai 400 012 | partep@nirrh.res.in |
11 | Dr Syamal Roy | Sr. Principal Scientist CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Biology (IICB) Kolkata 700 032 | drsyamalroy@yahoo.com |
12 | Dr Kunal Ray | Sr. Principal Scientist Molecular & Human Genetics Division CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Biology (IICB) Kolkata 700 032 | kunalray@gmail.com |
13 | Dr Ashok K Giri | Emeritus Scientist Molecular & Human Genetics Division CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Biology (IICB) Kolkata 700 032 | akgiri15@yahoo.com |
14 | Dr Arun Bandyopadhyay | Principal Scientist Cell Biology & Physiology Division CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Biology (IICB) Kolkata 700 032 | arunb@iicb.res.in |
15 | Dr Rukhsana Chowdhury | Senior Scientist Infectious Diseases & Immunology Division CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Biology (IICB) Kolkata 700 032 | rukhsana@iicb.res.in |
16 | Dr Tanusree Das | 4 Raja S C Mallick Road IICB Kolkata 700 032 | drtandas@gmail.com |
23 | Dr. Shantanu Sengupta | Principal Scientist CSIR-Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology (IGIB) Delhi 110 007 | shantanus@igib.res.in |
31 | Dr K Dharmalingam | Professor Aravind Medical Research Foundation Madurai | dharmalingam.k@gmail.com |
32 | Dr Shravan Kumar Singh | Sci B Div of Radiation Biosciences Institute of Nuclear Medicine & Allied Sciences (INMAS) DRDO Min. of Defence Delhi 54 | shravanrb@gmail.com |
33 | Dr Dipankar Ghosh | Asst Professor Special centre for Molecular Medicine JNU New Delhi 110 067 | ghoshd@jnu.ac.in |
35 | Dr Madhu Khullar | Professor Post graduate Institute of Medical Education & Research Chandigarh 160 012 | madhu.khullar@gmail.com |
36 | Ms Padmini Satish | Asst Manager - MARCOM M/s Waters India Pvt. Ltd. No.36A 2nd Phase Peenya Industrial Area Bangalore 460 058 | padmini_satish@waters.com |
37 | Dr Yogeshwer Shukla | Proteomics Lab IITR M G Marg Lucknow 226 0001 | yogeshwer_shukla@hotmail.com |
38 | Dr Rajesh Bhagwat | Global Marketing Manager M/s Pall India Pvt.Ltd. No.1 Sarakki Industrial Layout J P Nagar 6th Phase Bangalore 560 078 | rajesh_bhagwat@pall.com |
39 | Dr Utpal S Tatu | Professor Dept. of Biochemistry IISc. Bangalore 560 012 | tatu@iisc.ac.in |
40 | Mr C S Sundaram | Sr Scientist CCMB Hyderabad 500 007 | sundaram@ccmb.res.in |
41 | Dr Adavi Rao Desai | Sr Scientist (Hort) Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) ICAR Research Complex for Goa ELA Old Goa 403 402 | adavirao.desai@icar.gov.in |
42 | Mrs B Sanathakumari | National Chemical Laboratory Pashan Road Pune 411 008 | b.sanathakumari@ncl.res.in |
43 | Mr Niroj Kumar Sethy | Sci B Peptide & Proteomics Div. DIPAS DRDO Lucknow Road Timarpur Delhi -110 054 | nksethy@gmail.com |
44 | Dr Kalpana Bhargava | Sci E & DM Peptide & Proteomics Div. DIPAS DRDO Lucknow Road Timarpur Delhi -110 054 | kalpanab2006@gmail.com |
49 | Dr Niranjan Chakraborty | Staff Sci V National Instt. Of Plant Genome Research JNU Campus Aruna Asaf Ali Marg New Delhi 110 067 | nchakraborty@nipgr.ac.in |
50 | Dr A Srinivasan | Associate Professor Dept. of Biophysics All India Instt. Of Medical Sciences Ansari Nagar New Delhi 110 029 | srini@aiims.ac.in |
51 | Dr Gururao Hariprasad | Assiatant Professor Dept. of Biophysics All India Instt. Of Medical Sciences New Delhi 110 029 | g.hariprasad@rediffmail.com |
52 | Dr Kola Srujana | DBT-Research Associate Dept. of Biophysics All India Instt. Of Medical Sciences Ansari Nagar New Delhi 110 029 | kolasrujana@gmail.com |
53 | Ms Pallavi Manral | Clinical Proteomics Lab R.No.3011 Dept. of Biophysics All India Instt. Of Medical Sciences Ansari Nagar New Delhi 110 029 | pallavi.manral@gmail.com |
54 | Dr Savita Yadav | Associate Professor Dept. of Biophysics All India Instt. Of Medical Sciences Ansari Nagar New Delhi 110 029 | savitayadav@hotmail.com |
55 | Dr Amol Ratnakar Suryawanshi | Scientist Institute of Life Sciences (An Autonomous Instt. of DBT GOI) Nalco Square Chandrashekharpur Bhubaneswar 751 023 | amolsurya@gmail.com |
56 | Dr M R Rajeswai | Additional Professor Dept of Biochemistry AIIMS New Delhi | mrraji@hotmail.com |
83 | Dr Subhra Chakraborty | Staff Sci V National Instt. Of Plant Genome Research JNU Campus Aruna Asaf Ali Marg New Delhi 110 067 | schakraborty@nipgr.ac.in |
86 | Ms Kameshwari Y | CSIR-Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB) Hyderabad | kamesh@ccmb.res.in |
87 | Dr Archana B Siva | CSIR-Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB) Hyderabad | abs@ccmb.res.in |
88 | Dr Sagarika Biswas | Scientist CSIR-Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology (IGIB) Delhi 110 007 | sagarika.biswas@igib.res.in |
96 | Dr K Santhosh Kumar | Scientist Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology Poojappura Thycaud (P.O.) Trivandrum -14 Kerala | kskumar@rgcb.res.in |
97 | Dr R V Omkumar | Sci E-2 Dept of Microbiology Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology Thycaud(P.O)Thiruvananthapuram 695 014 | omkumar@rgcb.res.in |
98 | Dr Desh Deepak Singh | Research Associate Proteomics &Structural Genomics Lab ABTC NDRI Karnal | dbsbms@gmail.com |
101 | Dr M.Mohammed Idris | Sr. Scientist CSIR-Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB) Hyderabad | idris@ccmb.res.in |
104 | Dr Ashok Kumar Mohanty | Senior Scientist Animal Biotechnology Centre National Dairy Research Instititute Karnal - 132001 | ashokmohanty1@gmail.com |
105 | Dr Srikanth Gandhamaneni | Clinical Director 203 Sri Roi Villa Apts. 8-2-293/K/101+102 Kamalapuri Colony Phase-3 Hyderabad-500 073 | drsrikanthg@gmail.com |
106 | Dr Renu Deswal | Dept. of Botany University of Delhi Delhi | rdeswal@botany.du.ac.in |
107 | Dr Nafisa H.Balasinor | Scientist D National Institute for Research in Reproductive Health Parel Mumbai - 400 012 | nbalasinor@rediffmail.com |
108 | Dr Jyotirmaya Mohanty | Senior Scientist Central Institute of Freshwater Acqua-culture Kausalyaganga Bhubaneswar 751002 | mohantyj@hotmail.com |
110 | S. Thahir Basha | PhD student Dept. of Virology Sri Venkateswara University Tirupati - 517501 | thahirbashas@yahoo.com |
112 | Dr T S Keshava Prasad | Institute of Bio-informatics Discovery Building 7thFloor International Tech Park White Fields Bangalore - 560 066 | keshav@ibioinformatics.org |
113 | Dr Harsha Gowda | Institute of Bio-informatics Discovery Building 7thFloor International Tech Park White Fields Bangalore - 560 066 | harsha@ibioinformatics.org |
114 | Dr P Babu | Centre for Cellular and Molecular Platforms National Centre for Biological Sciences Tata Institute of Fundamental Research GKVK Bellary Road Bangalore - 560 065 | babup@ncbs.res.in |
115 | Dr S. Sudarslal | Associate Professor School of Biotechnology Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham Amritapuri Campus Amritapuri Clappana P O Kollam - 690525 | sudarslal@am.amrita.edu |
118 | Dr Rapole Srikanth | Scientist National Center for Cell Science Pune | rsrikanth@nccs.res.in |
120 | Dr K Suresh Kumar | Dept. of Applied Chemistry Sardar Vallabhabhai National Institute of Technology Surat - 395 007 | sureshkumarchem@gmail.com |
122 | Dr. S. Shiburaj | Scientist Tropical Botanic Garden & Research Institute Palode Thiruvananthapujram Kerala 695562 | drshiburaj@gmail.com |
123 | Dr. Amutha Santhanam | Associate Professor Dept. of Biotechnology Thiruvalluvar University Serkkadu Vellore - 632115 Tamil Nadu | amutha1994santhanam@gmail.com |
124 | Dr. S. Karutha Pandian | Professor & Head Dept. of Biotechnology Alagappa University Karaikudi - 630 003 | sk_pandian@rediffmail.com |
125 | Dr K. Balamurugan | Associate Professor Dept. of Biotechnology Alagappa University Karaikudi - 630 003 | bsuryar@yahoo.com |
126 | Dr. A Veera Ravi | Assistant Professor Dept. of Biotechnology Alagappa University Karaikudi - 630 003 | aveeraravi@rediffmail.com |
127 | Dr. M. Ramesh | Assistant Professor Dept. of Biotechnology Alagappa University Karaikudi - 630 003 | ramesh_bioteck@yahoo.com |
128 | Dr. K. Pandi Devi | Assistant Professor Dept. of Biotechnology Alagappa University Karaikudi - 630 003 | devikasi@yahoo.com |
129 | Dr Suman S. Thakur | Sr. Scientist CSIR-Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB) Hyderabad | sst@ccmb.res.in |
130 | Dr Koustubh Panda | Head & Coordinator Department of Biotechnology & GCGEB University of Calcutta Kolkata-700073 | pandak66@yahoo.co.uk |
133 | Dr Poonam Gautam | Scientist B National Institute of Pathology (NIP) (ICMR Lab) New Delhi-110 029 | gautam.poonam@gmail.com |
135 | Dr Avinash Bajaj | Asstt. Prof Regional Centre for Biotechnology ISO Udyog Nihar Phase-I Gurgaon-122016 Haryana | bajaj@rcb.res.in |
141 | Dr Sanjeeva Srivastava | Assistant Professor Indian Institute of Technology Bomabay (IIT-B) Mumbai 400 076 | sanjeeva@iitb.ac.in |
142 | Dr Suman Kundu | Associate Professor Dept of Biochemistry University of Delhi South campus New Delhi 110 021 | suman.kundu@south.du.ac.in |
143 | Dr Bimal Prasanna | Sr. Sci Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute (ICAR) Barrackpore Kolkata 700 120 | bimalmohanty12@rediffmail.com |
147 | Dr Chitra thangavel | Scientist Aravind Medical Research Foudnation Madurai 625 020 | cthangavel@gmail.com |
148 | Dr Bhaswati Chatterjee | Scientist National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER) NIPER - Hyderabad Balanagar Hyderabad - 500 037 | bhaswatichatterjee@yahoo.com |
152 | Dr Undurti N Das | Scientist Dept of Medicine GVP Hospital and Biosciences Res Ctr Campus of GVP college of Engg Madhurawada visakhapatnam 530 048 | undurti@hotmail.com |
153 | Dr Shweta Jha | Assistant Professor Dept of Botany. J N V university Jodhpur | jha.shweta80@gmail.com |
154 | Dr Srabani Mukherjee | Head Dept. of Molecular Endocrinology Natinal inst of Reproductive health (ICMR) Mumbai 400 012 | srabanimuk@yahoo.com |
156 | Mr Amey R Shirolkar | Ph.D Student Dept of Biochemistry National Research Institute of Basic Ayurvedic Sciences (NRIBAS) Pune 411038 | amey_593@rediffmail.com |
157 | Ms Aruna Kasoju | Assistant Professor & Head of the department Department of Biotechnology JNTU College of Engineering Pulivendula | annu.kasoju@gmail.com |
158 | Dr Akhilesh Pandey | Professor Institute of Bioinformatics Bangalore 560066 | pandey@jhmi.edu |
162 | Mr. Kulwinder Singh | Ph.D. Research Scholar Department of Biotechnology Punjabi University Patiala Punjab | kulwinder265@gmail.com |
169 | Dr. Sushil Kumar Middha | Assistant Professor Maharani Lakshmi Ammanni College for Women Bangalore-560 012 | sushil.middha@gmail.com |
181 | Dr. Savithri Bhat | Professor BMS College of Engineering Bangalore-560 019 | savithri.bhat@gmail.com |
182 | Mr. Pradeep S. | Professor BMS College of Engineering Bangalore-560 019 | padees@gmail.com |
183 | Dr. Yasmin Ahmad | Scientist Defence Institute of Physiology and Allied Sciences DRDO Delhi-110 054 | yasminchem@gmail.com |
184 | Dr. Sravanti V. | Assistan Professor Dept. of Biotechnology M.S. Ramaiah Institute of Technology Bangalore-560 054 | sravanti@msrit.edu |
185 | Dr. Vijakumar Govindaraj | Post Doctoral Fellow Dept. of Biochemistry IISc Bangalore-560 012 | vijaygovindaraj@gmail.com |
186 | Dr. Kiran Ambatipudi | Assistan Professor Dept. of Biotechnology Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee-247667 | kiranfbt@iitr.ac.in |
187 | Dr Pradeep C. Dave | Department of Physiology Bharati Vidya peeth Dental College and Hospital Navi Mumbai - 400 614 | davepradeepkumar@ymail.com |
189 | Dr R.G. Hemalatha | Research Associate Dept. of Chemistry Indian Institue of Technology Madras | hemaja21@gmail.com |
191 | Dr. Ashok K Varma | Principal Investigator and Scientist F ACTREC Navi Mumbai - 410210 | avarma@actrec.gov.in |
192 | Dr. Prasanna Venkatraman | Principal Investigator TMC - ACTREC Navi Mumbai - 410210 | vprasanna@actrec.gov.in |
193 | Dr. Rukmini Govekar | Principal Investigator and Scientific Officer F TMC - ACTREC Navi Mumbai - 410210 | rgovekar@actrec.gov.in |
194 | Mr. Shashadhar S. Dolas | Scientific Officer \'C\' Mass Spectroscopy Facility ACTREC Navi Mumbai - 410210 | sdolas@actrec.gov.in |
195 | Dr. Debasis Dash | Scientist CSIR-IGIB New Delhi -110 020 | ddash@igib.res.in |
204 | Dr J. Angayarkanni | Assistant Professor Dept. of Microbial Biotechnology Bharathiar University Coimbatore - 641 046 | angaibiotech@buc.edu.in |
206 | Dr Ravikiran T | Assistant Professor Dept. of Biotechnology Jnana Bharathi Campus Bangalore University Bangalore - 560 056 | ravikiran@bub.ernet.in |
209 | Dr. Taslimarif Saiyed | Director & COO Centre for Cellular and Molecular Platforms NCBS GKVK Post Bellary Road Bangalore - 560065 | taslim@ncbs.res.in |
210 | Dr. Vikas Kumar | Technology Scientist Centre for Cellular and Molecular Platforms NCBS GKVK Post Bellary Road Bangalore - 560065 | vikask@ccamp.res.in |
216 | Dr. Sharmila Chattopadhyay | Principal Scientist CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Biology (IICB) Kolkata 700 032 | sharmila@iicb.res.in |
217 | Dr. Adaikkalam Vellaichamy | Associate Professor Centre for Biotechnology Anna University Guindy Chennai 600 025 | adai@annauniv.edu |
218 | Dr. Shubhangi Pingle | Scientist National Institute of Miners Health JNARDDC Campus Amrawati Road Wadi Nagpur – 440 023 | pingle.shubhangi@gmail.com |
219 | Mr. Aditya G. Rao | Student IIT Guwahati | adiraog@gmail.com |
220 | Dr. Soma Chattopadhyay | Scientist C Institute of Life Sciences Bhubaneshwar - 751023 | sochat.ils@gmail.com |
221 | Dr. S. Jayakumar | Senior Scientist ICAR-NDRI-SRS Adugodi Bangalore - 560030 | jeyakumarsakthivel@gmail.com |
222 | Dr. Divakar Sharma | ICMR-Post Doctoral Fellow National Jalma Institute for Leprosy and other Mycobacterial Diseases Tajganj Agra - 282 001 | divakarsharma88@gmail.com |
224 | Dr. Soumen Kanti Manna | Associate Professor Biophysics and Structural Genomics Division Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics Kolkata- 700064 | soumenmanna@gmail.com |
225 | Dr. Thulasiram H. V. | Senior Scientist Division of Organic Chemistry CSIR-National Chemical Laboratory Pune - 411 008 | hv.thulasiram@ncl.res.in |
226 | Dr. Sharmistha Dey | Assistant Professor Department of Biophysics All India Institute of Medical Sciences New Delhi- 110 029 | sharmistha_d@hotmail.com |
228 | Dr. Md. Imtaiyaz Hassan | Assistant Professor Centre for Interdisciplinary Research In Basic Sciences Jamia Millia Islamia Jamia Nagar New Delhi - 100 025 | mihassan@jmi.ac.in |
229 | Dr. Arun Sharma | Scientist F National Institute of Malaria Research Protein Biochemistry and Structural Biology Lab Delhi-110 077 | arushar@gmail.com |
230 | Mrs. Ritu Rawal | Ph.D Scholar National Institute of Malaria Research Protein Biochemistry and Structural Biology Lab Delhi-110 077 | ritu_1jan@yahoo.com |
231 | Dr. Sonam Vijay | Research Scholar National Institute of Malaria Research Protein Biochemistry and Structural Biology Lab Delhi-110 077 | sonam.vijay@gmail.com |
232 | Dr. N. P. Singh | Assistant Professor Centre for Biotechnology Maharshi Dayanand University Rohtak-124 001 | npsinghcbt@gmail.com |
233 | Dr. G. S. Sameer Kumar | Post Doctoral Fellow CSIR- Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology Hyderabad - 500 007 | sameerkhammam@gmail.com |
234 | Dr. Jayaprada Chunduri | Assistant Professor Mithibai college Mumbai University Mumbai | jayaprada_chunduri@hotmail.com |
235 | Mr. Manan Sheth | Kinesis India Pvt. Ltd ANM House Plot No. A-141 Road No.23 Wagle Industrial Area Thane (W) - 400604 | manan@kinesisindia.net |
236 | Dr M Kiran | Assistant Professor Dept of Livestock products Technology Veternity College Hebbal Bengaluru - 560 024 | kiranm.321@rediffmail.com |
237 | Dr. R. Ravi Kumar | Professor and Head Dept. of Neuromicrobiology NIMHANS Bangalore - 560029 | ravikumarbly@yahoo.co.uk |
238 | Dr. S. K. Shankar | Emeritus Professor and Principal Co-ordinator Human Brain Bank Dept. of Neuropathology NIMHANS Bangalore - 560029 | shankarsk2004@gmail.com |
239 | Dr. Anita Mahadevan | Additional Professor Dept. of neuropathology NIMHANS Bangalore - 560029 | anita_mahadevan@yahoo.com |
240 | Mr. Suresh Kumar Parmar | Scientist-B Human Brain Bank NIMHANS Bangalore - 560 029 | sureshparmar.nimhans@gmail.com |
242 | Ms. Yogita Lugani | Ph.D Scholar Punjabi University Patiala - 147 001 | yogita_lugani@yahoo.com |
243 | Mr. Vaibhav Prakash Mhaindarkar | PhD Student Ruhr University Germany | vaibhav.mh@gmail.com |
244 | Dr. Shashi Nijhawan | Pricipal Dept. of Biochemistry Shivaji College University of Delhi | shashi.nijhawan@gmail.com |
245 | Dr. Rashmi Wardhan | Associate Professor Dept. of Biochemistry Shivaji College University of Delhi | rashmiwardhan56@gmail.com |
246 | Dr. Sunita Singh | Associate Professor Dept. of Biochemistry Shivaji College University of Delhi | sunita_iitd@yahoo.com |
247 | Dr. Neena R. Wadehra | Associate Professor Dept. of Biochemistry Shivaji College University of Delhi | wadehranr@yahoo.com |
248 | Ms. Jayita Thakur | Assistant Professor Dept. of Biochemistry Shivaji College University of Delhi | jayita.t@gmail.com |
249 | Dr. Renu Baweja | Assistant Professor Dept. of Biochemistry Shivaji College University of Delhi | renubaweja11@yahoo.com |
250 | D. Darshan Malik | Associate Professor Dept. of Biochemistry Shivaji College University of Delhi | darshanmalik@yahoo.com |
257 | Dr. Shikha Taneja Malik | Scientist Kusuma School of Biological Sciences IIT - Delhi Delhi | staneja.harvard@gmail.com |
260 | Dr. M.V. Jagannadham | Sr. Principal Scientist CSIR-Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB) Uppal Road Hyderabad - 500 007 | jagan@ccmb.res.in |
261 | Dr. Kedam Thyaga Raju | Professor Dept. of Bio-Chemistry Sri Venkateswara University Tirupati - 517 502 | tkedam@gmail.com |
262 | Dr. Krishnan Venkataraman | Professor Centre for Bioseparation Technology (CBST) VIT University Vellore - 632014 | bmkrishna1@yahoo.com |
264 | Mr. Nitin Kishor | Ph.D Student IISER Mohali - 140 306 | nitinkishor_bt@rediffmail.com |
265 | Dr. Kshipra Misra | Scientist DIPAS DRDO New Delhi | kmisra99@yahoo.com |
267 | Dr. Sameer S. Bhagyawant | Associate Professor School of Studies in Biotechnology Jiwaji University Gwalior - 474 011 | sameerbhagyawant@gmail.com |
273 | Dr. Kiran Kumar Tejavath | Assistant Professor Dept. of Biochemistry School of Life Sciences Central University of Rajasthan Bandarsindri - 305 817 | kirankumar@curaj.ac.in |
274 | Mr. Karri Suresh Kumar | Technical Assistant CSIR-IICB 4 Raja S.C Mallick Road IICB Kolkata 700 032 | suresh@iicb.res.in |
275 | Mr. Gourav Dey | Institute of Bio-informatics Discovery Building 7thFloor International Tech Park White Fields Bangalore - 560 066 | gourav@ibioinformatics.org |
276 | Mr. Manish kumar | Ph.D Student Institute of Bio-informatics Discovery Building 7thFloor International Tech Park White Fields Bangalore - 560 066 | manish@ibioinformatics.org |
283 | Dr. Shyama Prasad Rao | Biostatistics and Bioinformatics Division Yenepoya Research Center Yenepoya University Mangalore - 575 018 | drrsprao@gmail.com |
284 | Dr. Geetanjali Sachdeva | Scientist E Primate Biology Divison National Institute for Research in Reproductive Health ICMR Parel Mumbai - 400 012 | sachdevag@nirrh.res.in |
286 | Dr. K. K. Asha | Sr. Scientist Central Institute of Fisheries Technology (ICAR-CIFT) Cochin - 682 029 | asha.santhosh5@gmail.com |
287 | Dr. Naveena B. M | Sr Scientist National Research Centre on Meat (ICAR) Hyderabad 500 052 | naveenlpt@rediffmail.com |
288 | Mr. Shariq Quayyum | Ph.D Student Medical Microbiology & Molecular Biology Lab Interdisciplinary Biotechnology Unit Aligarh Muslim University Aligarh-202 002 | sqhusain@gmail.com |
289 | Dr. V. Sabareesh | Assistant Professor Centre for Bioseparation Technology (CBST) VIT University Vellore - 632 014 | sabareesh6@gmail.com |
290 | Dr. G. Jayaraman | Professor School of Biosciences and Technology VIT University Vellore - 632 014 | gjayaraman@vit.ac.in |
291 | Dr. Tushar Kanti Maiti | Assistant Professor Regional Centre for Biotechnology NCR Biotech Science Cluster Faridabad - 121 001 | tkmaiti@rcb.res.in |
292 | Dr. Yashwant Kumar | Associate Professor Dept. of Immunopathology PGIMER Chandigarh - 160 012 | dryashwant@ymail.com |
293 | Dr. Neha Gargh | Faculty Indian Institute of Technology Mandi Kamand Campus Mandi - 175 005 | neha@iitmandi.ac.in |
294 | Dr. Rajanish Giri | Faculty Indian Institute of Technology Mandi Kamand Campus Mandi - 175 005 | rajanishgiri@iitmandi.ac.in |
295 | Dr. Satheeshkumar P.K. | Research Scientist Microbilogy Division JNTBGRI Palode Thiruvananthapuram – 695 562 | pksat_74@yahoo.com |
321 | Ms. Namrata Singh | Senior Research Fellow CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Biology 4 Raja S. C. Mullick Road Kolkata-700 032 | namratasingh819@gmail.com |
323 | Dr. Padmalaya Das | Assistant Professor Asian Institute of Public Health Bhubaneswar – 751 002 | pdas1234@gmail.com |
324 | Mr. Mohan Ramesh Badhe | ICAR- Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture Bhubaneswar - 751 002 | mohanbadhe1212@gmail.com |
325 | Dr. Nihar Ranjan Singh | Lecturer Dept. of Botany Ravenshaw University Cuttack - 753 003 | nihar.singh@gmail.com |
326 | Dr. Santosh Kumar Sahu | Lecturer Dept. of Biotechnology North Orissa University Mayurbhanj - 757 003 | drsantoshnou@gmail.com |
330 | Dr. Anand Srivastava | Scientist C National Institute of Animal Biotechnology Hyderabad - 500 049 | anand@niab.org.in |
332 | Dr. Neeraj Sinha | Assistant Professor Centre of Biomedical Research SGPGIMS Campus Lucknow - 226 014 | neerajcbmr@gmail.com |
333 | Dr. Alo Nag | Professor Dept. Of Biochemistry University of Delhi South Campus New Delhi - 110 021 | alonag22@gmail.com |
334 | Dr. Kavita Shah | Professor Dept. Of Envirmental & Sustainable Development Banaras Hindu University Varanasi - 221 005 | kavitashah@bhu.ac.in |
335 | Dr. Arvind M. Kayastha | Professor School of Biotechnology Institute of Science Banaras Hindu University Varanasi - 221 005 | kayasthabhu@gmail.com |
336 | Mr. Saketh Kapoor | Ph.D Scholar YU-IOB Centre for Systems Biology and Molecular Medicine Yenepoya University Mangalore - 575 018 | Kapoor.saketh@gmail.com |
337 | Dr. Pratigya Subba | Scientific Officer (Assistant Professor Stage I) YU-IOB Centre for Systems Biology and Molecular Medicine Yenepoya University Mangalore - 575 018 | pratigya@ibioinformatics.org |
338 | Dr. Yashwanth Subbannyya | Faculty Scientist YU-IOB Centre for Systems Biology and Molecular Medicine Yenepoya University Mangalore - 575 018 | yashwanth.subbannayya@gmail.com |
339 | Mr. Sandeep Kolya | YU-IOB Centre for Systems Biology and Molecular Medicine Yenepoya University Mangalore - 575 018 | sandeep.kolya@gmail.com |
340 | Dr. Sneha M. Pinto | DST INSPIRE Faculty (Assistant Professor Stage I) YU-IOB Centre for Systems Biology and Molecular Medicine Yenepoya University Mangalore - 575 018 | sneha@ibioinformatics.org |
341 | Ms. Varshasnata Mohanty | YU-IOB Centre for Systems Biology and Molecular Medicine Yenepoya University Mangalore - 575 018 | varshasnata.mohanty@gmail.com |
342 | Ms. Roopna Raveendran | YU-IOB Centre for Systems Biology and Molecular Medicine Yenepoya University Mangalore - 575 018 | roopna27@gmail.com |
343 | Mr. Ankur Tyagi | YU-IOB Centre for Systems Biology and Molecular Medicine Yenepoya University Mangalore - 575 018 | ankurbiotech11@gmail.com |
344 | Dr. Riffat John | Assistant Professor Dept. Of Botany University of Kashmir Srinagar - 190 006 | riffatminhaj@kashmiruniversity.ac.in |
345 | Dr. Ravindra Varma Polisetty | Assistant Professor Sri Venkateswara College University of Delhi New Delhi - 110 021 | rajpoli@gmail.com |
346 | Dr. Brijesh S Sisodia | Research Officer (Scientist) Dept. of Biochemistry Regional Ayurveda Institute of Fundamental Research Pune-411 038 | brijeshgwl@gmail.com |
350 | Mr. Jagadeeshaprasad MG | Senior Research Fellow Proteomics and Mass spectrometry Facility Division of Biochemical Sciences CSIR-NCL Pune - 411 008 | jagadeeshaprasad@gmail.com |
351 | Dr. Kanika Narula | Research Associate National Institute of Plant Genome Research New Delhi 110 067 | gayatrinarula@yahoo.com |
353 | Mr. Ashish Khaparde | PhD Student Centre for Bioseparation Technology (CBST) VIT University Vellore - 632 014 | ashish2018@yahoo.com |
354 | Dr. Prashant Kumar | Faculty Scientist Institute of Bioinformatics Discovery Building 7th Floor International Tech Park White Fields Bangalore - 560 066 | prashant@ibioinformatics.org |
355 | Dr. P. Selvamani | Assistant Professor Dept. of Pharmaceutical Technology Centre for Excellence in Nanobio Translational Research Anna University BIT Campus Tiruchirappalli - 620024 | selva.autpharma@gmail.com |
356 | Dr. Kaushik Kumar Dey | Postdoctoral Research Associate Structural Biology & Developmental Neurobiology St. Jude Children\'s Research Hospital Memphis Tennessee State USA | kaushik1011@gmail.com |
357 | Dr. Swasti Raychaudhuri | Ramalingaswami Fellow (DBT) CSIR-Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB) Uppal Road Hyderabad - 500 007 | rcswasti@ccmb.res.in |
358 | Dr. Raju Mukherjee | Assistant Professor Indian Institute of Science Education and Research - Tirupati C/o Sree Rama Engineering College (Transit Campus) Tirupati -517 507 | raju.mukherjee@iisertirupati.ac.in |
364 | Dr. Toshiba Haider | National Institute of Plant Genome Research New Delhi 110 067 | toshibanipgr@gmail.com |
365 | Dr. Aparajita Jha | National Institute of Plant Genome Research New Delhi 110 067 | jha.aprajita@gmail.com |
366 | Ms. Pooja Aggarwal | Student National Institute of Plant Genome Research New Delhi 110 067 | aggarwal.pooja28@yahoo.com |
367 | Ms. Pooja Choudhary | PhD Student National Institute of Plant Genome Research New Delhi 110 067 | poojachoudhary31@gmail.com |
368 | Ms. Priyanka Jawa | PhD Student National Institute of Plant Genome Research New Delhi 110 067 | prijawa@gmail.com |
369 | Mr. Jimmy John | PhD Student Agricultural Biotechnology Lab VIT University Vellore - 632014 | jimmyjohn10290@gmail.com |
370 | Dr. Parankusam Santisree | International Crops Research Institute for the Semi - Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) Patancheru Hyderabad - 502 324 | santhikinnu@gmail.com |
371 | Dr. Shweta Gupta | SERP-Young Scientist The M. S. University of Baroda Pratapgunj Vadodara - 390 002 | hishwetagupta@gmail.com |
372 | Ms. Priyadarshini Dey | PhD Research Scholar Indian Institute of Technology Delhi New Delhi - 110 016 | priyadey.lko@gmail.com |
373 | Dr. Srinivasa-Gopalan Sampathkumar | Scientist Lab of Chemical Glycobiology National Institute of Immunology New Delhi - 110 067 | gopalan@nii.ac.in |
374 | Mr. K. Sathyaseelan | Scientist - D Microbiology Division Defence R & D Establishment DRDO Gwalior - 474 002 | sathyak78@drde.drdo.in |
376 | Dr. Renu Goel | Scientist D Translational Health Science and Technology Institute Faridabad - 121 001 | drrenugoel@gmail.com |
383 | Dr. Amit Kumar Yadav | Scientist D Drug Discovery Research Centre Translational Health Science and Technology Institute Faridabad - 121 001 | amit.yadav@thsti.res.in |
388 | Dr. Tanveer A. Dar | Assistant Professor Clinical Biochemistry University of Kashmir Srinagar -190 006 | tanveerali@kashmiruniversity.ac.in |
389 | Dr. Rahul Mahadev Shelake | Post-Doctoral Researcher Ehime University Matsuyama Japan [Current Affiliation] | rahultnau@gmail.com |
390 | Mr. Pramodkumar Pyarelal Gupta | Assistant Professor School of Biotechnology & Bioinformatics D Y Patil University Navi Mumbai - 400 614 | pramodkumar785@gmail.com |
391 | Dr. Jyotsnarani Pradhan | Lecturer P.G. Department of Biotechnology Utkal University Bhubaneswar - 751 004 | jyotsna017@gmail.com |
392 | Dr. Giridara-Kumar Surabhi | Senior Scientist Regional Plant Resource Centre Bhubaneswar - 751 015 | surabhigk@gmail.com |
394 | Dr. Pragyan Acharya | Assistant Professor Department of Biochemistry All India Institute of Medical Sciences New Delhi - 110 029 | dr.pragyan.acharya@gmail.com |
395 | Dr. Bindu S | Prof. & Head Dept. Of Biotechnology M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology Bangalore - 560 054 | bindu.sadanandan@gmail.com |
398 | Dr. Vidya Niranjan | Professor & Associate Dean Dept.of Biotecnology RV College of Engineering Bengalure - 560 059 | niranjan.vidya@gmail.com |
399 | Mr. Manoj Pohare | PhD Student The United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences Ehime University Matsuyama Japan [Current Affiliation] | mpohare2007@gmail.com |
400 | Dr. Mayank Saraswat | University of Helisinki Central Hospital Finland [Current Affiliation] | sarawat.mk@gmail.com |
404 | Dr. Manaswini Mangaraj | Prof. & Head Dept. Of Biochemistry AIIMS Bhubaneswar - 751 019 | mangarajm@gmail.com |
405 | Dr. Sharad Daulatrao Pawar | Research Officer Invitro Pharmacology Dept. Regional Ayurveda Institute for Fundamental Research Near Gandhi Bhawan Kothrud Pune - 411 038 | sd_pawar@yahoo.com |
406 | Dr. Rajesh Raghunath Pharande | Assistant Professor Dept. of Microbiology Bombay Veterinary College Parel Mumbai - 400 012 | rpharande@gmail.com |
407 | Mr. Prashant S. Ratnaparkhi | Associate Professor Dept. of Life Sciences and Biochemistry St. Xavier\'s College Mumbai - 400 001 | prashant.ratnaparkhi@xaviers.edu |
409 | Mr. Ravindra Kumar | PhD Student Institute of Life Sciences Bhubaneswar - 751 023 | ravinsit06@gmail.com |
410 | Dr. Koel Chaudhury | Associate Professor School of Medical Science & Technology IIT - Kharagpur Kharagpur - 721 302 | koel@smst.iitkgp.ernet.in |
411 | Dr. M. Johnson | Assistant Professor and Director Centre for Plant Biotechnology Dept. Of Botany St. Xavier.s College Palayamkottai - 627 002 | ptcjohnson@gmail.com |
412 | Dr. Ankita Punetha | Department of Biosciences and Bioengineering Indian Institute of Technology - Guwahati Guwahati - 781 039 | ankitaomics@gmail.com |
413 | Dr. Sabuj Sahoo | Reader P.G. Department of Biotechnology Utkal University Bhubaneswar - 751 004 | sabujbiotech@rediffmail.com |
414 | Dr. Ramesh Mrithyunjaya Gaddi | Chief veterinary officer Dept. Of Animal Husbandary Govt of Karnataka Belgaum - 590 017 | gaddiramesh1@gmail.com |
415 | Dr. Durai Selligounder | Postdoctoral Research Associate Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine Washington State University USA [Current Affiliation] | dsg8485@gmail.com |
416 | Dr. Padma Babulal Dandge | Assistant Professor Department of Biochemistry Shivaji University Kolhapur - 416 004 | pbd_biochem@unishivaji.ac.in |
417 | Dr. Pramod Jyotiram Kasabe | Assistant Professor School of Nanoscience and Biotechnology Shivaji University Kolhapur - 416 004 | pjk.biochem@gmail.com |
418 | Dr. Prakruti Dash | Assistant Professor Dept. of Biochemistry All India Institute of Medical Sciences - Bhubaneswar - 751 019 | dashdrprakruti@gmail.com |
419 | Miss. Shivani | Student Mauli Krupa Hospital Shiroda - 416 518 | gayakwad.shivani@gmail.com |
420 | Dr. Sajad Majeed Zargar | Assistant Professor Division of Plant Biotrechnology SKUAST-Kashmir Srinagar - 190 025 | smzargar@gmail.com |
421 | Dr. Eman Abdelrashed Abdelkader Mhammed Elagamey | Post Doctoral Fellow National Institute of Plant Genome Research New Delhi 110 067 | emanelagamy@yahoo.com |
422 | Dr. Magdi Abdellatef Emam Abdellatef | Post Doctoral Fellow National Institute of Plant Genome Research New Delhi 110 067 | magdi_abdellatef@yahoo.com |
424 | Dr. Sudip Ghosh | SERB National Post Doctoral Fellow National Institute of Plant Genome Research New Delhi 110 067 | sudip_ghosh@nipgr.ac.in |
425 | Dr. Ranjan Kumar Nanda | Group Leader International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB) Aruna Asaf Ali Marg New Delhi -110 067 | ranjan@icgeb.res.in |
426 | Dr. Pabitra Mohan Behera | National Post Doctoral Fellow Institute of Life Sciences (ILS) Bhubaneswar - 751 023 | uniquepabs@gmail.com |
427 | Dr. M. Kameswara Rao | Scientist E P & T Division DRDE - DRDO Gwalior - 474 002 | mkrao76@rediffmail.com |
428 | Dr. Dipak Gayen | Research Associate National Institute of Plant Genome Research (NIPGR) New Delhi - 110 067 | gayen_dipak@yahoo.co.in |
429 | Dr. Shubhendu Shekhar | Research Scientist National Institute of Plant Genome Research (NIPGR) New Delhi - 110 067 | shubhendu.21@gmail.com |
430 | Dr. Neelja Singhal | SERB-Young Scientist Dept. of Microbiology University of Delhi South Campus New Delhi - 110 021 | neelja30@gmail.com |
431 | Dr. Subramanian Muthukumar | National Postdoctoral Fellow Central Inter-Disciplinary Research Facility (CIDRF) Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute (MGMCRI) Puducherry - 607 403 | sasmuthu@gmail.com |
432 | Mr. Mohd Faizan Siddiqui | Department of Biochemistry Aligarh Muslim University Aligarh - 202 001 | mlavc@yahoo.com |
433 | Prof. Ashis Kumar Mukherjee | Professor Department of Molecular Biology & Biotechnology Tezpur University Tezpur - 784 028 | akm@tezu.ernet.in |
434 | Dr. H. R. Ramani | Assistant Research Scientist (Biochemistry) Main Cotton Research Station Navsari Agriculture University Surat - 395 007 | hiteshramani2007@gmail.com |
435 | Dr. T. Kali Kishore Reddy | Assistant Professor Advanced Centre for Bioseparation Technology (CBST) VIT Vellore - 632 014 | kishore.tetala@gmail.com |
436 | Mrs. Aruna Anil Jawade | Scientific Officer National Institute of Miners\' Health Wadi Nagpur-440 023 | ajawade28@rediffmail.com |
437 | Miss. Rajani Ganpatrao Tumane | Jr. Scientific Officer National Institute of Miners\' Health Wadi Nagpur-440 023 | rajo_tumane@yahoo.co.in |
438 | Dr. Gregor P. Jose | SERB-National Post Doctoral Fellow Department of Biology IISER Pune Pune - 411 008 | gregor@iiserpune.ac.in |
439 | Dr. Priti Saxena | Assistant Professor Faculty of Life Sciences and Biotechnology South Asian University New Delhi - 110 021 | psaxena@sau.ac.in |
440 | Dr. Ratnesh Jain | UGC Assistant Professor Department of Chemical Engineering Institute of Chemical Technology Matunga Mumbai - 400 019 | rd.jain@ictmumbai.edu.in |
441 | Dr. Munna Lal Yadav | Research Scholar Animal Biotechnology Centre National Dairy Research Institute (NDRI) Karnal - 132 001 | munna.biotek@gmail.com |
442 | Mr. Arvind Kumar Verma | Ph.D Scholar Proteomics Lab Animal Biotechnology Centre National Dairy Research Institute (NDRI) Karnal - 132 001 | arvindverma0078@gmail.com |
443 | Dr. Vinayak Gupta | Assistant Professor Dept. of Biotechnology Bennett University Greater Noida - 201 310 | vinayak.gupta@bennett.edu.in |
444 | Ms. Shubhrima Ghosh | Ph.D Scholar Enzymes and Microbial Biochemistry Lab Dept. of Chemistry IIT-Delhi New Delhi - 110 016 | shubhrima.ghosh@gmail.com |
445 | Dr. T. Anjana Devi | Scientist Department of Applied Biology CSIR- Indian Institute of Chemical Technology (CSIR-IICT) Hyderabad - 500 007 | anjana@csiriict.in |
446 | Dr. Ashok P. Giri | Chair Biochemical Sciences and Principal Scientist CSIR-National Chemical Laboratory (CSIR-NCL) Pune - 411 008 | ap.giri@ncl.res.in |
447 | Dr. Saiqa Rasool Shah | Ph.D Scholar Dept. of Biochemistry Yenepoya Medical College Mangalore - 575 018 | shah.saiqa2@gmail.com |
448 | Ms. Sandhini Saha | Ph.D Scholar Regional Centre for Biotechnology NCR Biotech Science Cluster Faridabad - 121 001 | sandhini@rcb.res.in |
449 | Dr. Alka Rao | Senior Scientist GNR Protein Centre CSIR-Institute of Microbial Technology (CSIR-IMTECH) Chandigarh - 160 036 | raoalka@imtech.res.in |
450 | Dr. Ramesh Ummanni | Scientist Department of Applied Biology CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Technology (CSIR-IICT) Tarnaka Uppal Road Hyderabad - 500 007 | ummanni@iict.res.in |
451 | Dr. Sojit Tomo | Senior Resident Department of Biochemistry AIIMS Jodhpur Jodhpur - 342 005 | sojitomo@gmail.com |
452 | Dr. Manish Dwivedi | Assistant Professor (III) & INSPIRE Faculty Amity Institute of Biotechnology Amity University Uttar Pradesh Lucknow-226 028 | mdwivedi@lko.amity.edu |
453 | Mr. Sunil Kumar | Ph.D Student National Institute of Plant Genome Research New Delhi 110 067 | sunilkumar0104@nipgr.ac.in |
454 | Mr. Nilesh Vikram Lande | Ph.D Student National Institute of Plant Genome Research New Delhi 110 067 | nileshgene@gmail.com |
455 | Ms. Akanksha Pareek | Ph.D Student National Institute of Plant Genome Research New Delhi 110 067 | akkuakanksha.pareek244@gmail.com |
456 | Mr. Pragya Barva | Ph.D Student National Institute of Plant Genome Research New Delhi 110 067 | pragbonhi@gmail.com |
457 | Dr. Sadaf Fatima | Assiatant Professor Dept. of Biotechnology Jamia Millia Islamia New Delhi - 100 025 | sfatima1@jmi.ac.in |
458 | Dr. S. Gowrishankar | Assistant Professor Dept. of Biotechnology Alagappa University Karaikudi - 630 003 | gowrishankars@alagappauniversity.ac.in |
459 | Dr. K.M. Ramkumar | Associate Professor (Research) Life Science Division SRM Research Institute SRM University Kattankulathur - 603 203 | ramkumarbiotech@gmail.com |
460 | Mr. G.L. Balasubramani | Senior Research Fellow School of Biotechnology (SBT) Jawaharlal Nehru University New Delhi-110 067 | glbala87@gmail.com |
461 | Dr. Shailza Singh | Scientist \'E\' National Centre for Cell Science NCCS Complex Ganeshkhind Pune - 411 007 | singhs@nccs.res.in |
462 | Dr. Ekta Rana | PhD Scholar ICAR- National Dairy Research Institute Karnal - 132 001 | drektarana16@gmail.com |
463 | Mr. Rahul Chakraborty | PhD Scholar CSIR-Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology New Delhi - 110 020 | rahul.c@igib.in |
464 | Dr. Priya Swaminathan | Assistant Professor Dept. of Biotechnology SRM Institute of Science and Technology Kattankulathur - 603 203 | priya.s@ktr.srmuniv.ac.in |
465 | Dr. Anil Kumar Chhillar | Professor & Director Centre for Biotechnology M.D. University Rohtak - 124 001 | anil.chhillar@gmail.com |
466 | Ms. Sudipa Maity | Ph.D Research Scholar Department of Biotechnology Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee Roorkee - 247 667 | sudipabiotech.iitr@gmail.com |
467 | Mr. Kuldeep Giri | Ph.D Research Scholar Department of Biotechnology Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee Roorkee - 247 667 | goswami8899@gmail.com |
468 | Mr. Jitendra Kumar Verma | Ph.D Research Scholar National Institute of Plant Genome Research New Delhi- 110 067 | jitendra20020@gmail.com |
469 | Ms. Divya Rathi | Ph.D Research Scholar National Institute of Plant Genome Research New Delhi- 110 067 | rathi.divya71@gmail.com |
470 | Dr. Nagender Rao Rameshwaram | Research Associate Centre for DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics Hyderabad - 500 039 | rnagenderrao11@gmail.com |
471 | Dr. Sudarshan Kumar | Scientist National Dairy Research Institute Karnal - 132 001 | kumarsudarshan@gmail.com |
472 | Mr. Syed Azmal Ali | Researcher National Dairy Research Institute Karnal - 132 001 | azmal786@gmail.com |
473 | Mr. Javed Akhtar | Stuedent ICMR - National Institute of Pathology New Delhi- 110 029 | javed1007@yahoo.com |
474 | Ms. Boomathi Pandeswari Pandi | CSIR-SRF Centre for Bio-separation Technology (CBST) Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT) Vellore - 632 014 | boomathi.91@gmail.com |
475 | Ms. Arunima Sinha | Ph.D Student National Institute of Plant Genome Research New Delhi 110 067 | arunima35@gmail.com |
476 | Miss. Sakshi Kaith | Ph.D Student Animal Biotechnology Centre ICAR-National Dairy Research Institute (NDRI) Karnal - 132 001 | kaithsakshi@gmail.com |
477 | Mr. Shivam Kumar Dubey | Ph.D Scholar Proteomics Lab Animal Biotechnology Centre ICAR-National Dairy Research Institute (NDRI) Karnal - 132 001 | shivamkumard84@gmail.com |
478 | Mr. Khushman Taunk | Student Proteomics Lab National Centre for Cell Science NCCS Complex Ganeshkhind Pune - 411 007 | khushmantaunk@gmail.com |
479 | Dr. Mukunda Goswami | Principal Scientist Genetics & Biotechnology Division ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries EducationMumbai - 400 061 | mukugoswami@gmail.com |
480 | Dr. Subodh Kumar Sinha | Sr. Scientist ICAR-National Institute for Plant Biotechnology New Delhi - 110 012 | subsinha@gmail.com |
481 | Mr. Gaurav Kumar | PhD Student Department of Biochemistry University of Delhi South Campus New Delhi-110 021 | gauravkumar.biochem@south.du.ac.in |
482 | Ms. Suchismita Behera | PhD Scholar Institute of Life Sciences (ILS) Bhubaneswar - 751 023 | suchi.ravenshaw@gmail.com |
483 | Mr. Sushanta Kumar Barik | Research Fellow ICMR-National JALMA Institute for Leprosy and Other Mycobacterial Diseases Agra - 282 004 | sushantakumarbarik82@gmail.com |
485 | Dr. Shrabani Saugandhika | Scientist Dept. of Biotechnology AIIMS New Delhi | shravani.satya@gmail.com |
486 | Ms. Neerja Yadav | PhD Scholar Department of Chemistry Indian Institute of Technology Delhi New Delhi - 110 016 | neerjayadav88@gmail.com |
487 | Dr. Arun Kumar Trivedi | Principal Scientist Division of Cancer Biology CSIR-Central Drug Research Institute (CSIR-CDRI) Lucknow - 226 031 | arun3vedi@gmail.com |
488 | Mr. Prakash Sidgonda Dhamannapatil | PhD Student Animal Biotechnology Division ICAR-National Dairy Research Institute Karnal - 132 001 | prakash.dhamannapatil@gmail.com |
489 | Mr. Praveen Singh | PhD Student CSIR-Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology (CSIR-IGIB) New Delhi - 110 025 | praveen05singh@gmail.com |
490 | Dr. Robin Doley | Associate Professor Department of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Tezpur University Tezpur - 784 028 | doley@tezu.ernet.in |
491 | Miss. Shalini Pradhan | PhD Student CSIR-Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology (CSIR-IGIB) New Delhi - 110 025 | sp300395@gmail.com |
493 | Ms Sharmistha Sarkar | PhD Student CSIR-Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology (CSIR-IGIB) New Delhi - 110 025 | starz1296@gmail.com |
494 | Mr. Vannur Garikapati | Research Scholar (DAAD) Justus Liebig University Giessen Giessen - 35392 Germany | garikapati.vannur@gmail.com |
495 | Mr. Nishad S. | Scientifc Officer-E Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) Mumbai – 400 085 | nishad.barc@gmail.com |
496 | Mr. Deeptarup Biswas | Doctoral Fellow Department of Biosciences and Bioengineering Indian Institute of Technology Bombay Mumbai – 400 076 | deeptarupbiswas@gmail.com |
497 | Mr. Akash Kumar Bhaskar | Ph.D. Student CSIR-Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology (CSIR-IGIB) Mathura Road New Delhi - 110 025 | akash@igib.in |
498 | Dr. Trayambak Basak | Assistant Professor School of Basic Sciences (SBS) Indian Institute of Technology-Mandi Kamand - 175 005 | trayambak@iitmandi.ac.in |
499 | Ms S Alagu Lakshmi | DBT-SRF Department of Biotechnology Alagappa University Karaikudi-630 003 | lakshmivinay.317@gmail.com |
500 | Mr. Boopathi Balasubramaniam | Research Scholar Department of Biotechnology Science Campus Alagappa University Karaikudi-630003 | balasubramaniam.bbs@gmail.com |
501 | Ms. Kasthuri Thirupathi | Department of Biotechnology Alagappa University | kasthuritk7@gmail.com |
502 | Ms Muthubharathi B C | Research Scholar Department of Biotechnology Alagappa University Karaikudi-630003 | bharathi18balan@gmail.com |
503 | Mr. Venkata Krishna L M | PhD Student Dept. of Biotechnology Alagappa University Karaikudi - 630 003 | lmvenkatakrishna@gmail.com |
504 | Dr M Subhadra | DBT-SRF Department of Biotechnology Alagappa University Karaikudi-630 003 | malaimegus@gmail.com |
505 | Dr Pradip Behare | Scientist Dairy Microbiology ICAR-National Dairy Research Institute (ICAR-NDRI) Karnal-132 001 | pradip_behare@yahoo.com |
506 | Ms Manisha Saini | PhD Scholar Department of Biochemistry University of Delhi - South Campus Delhi - 110 021 | manishasaini.biochem@south.du.ac.in |
507 | Ms Chetna Dhembla | PhD Scholar Department of Biochemistry University of Delhi - South Campus Delhi - 110 021 | dhembla.chetna93@gmail.com |
508 | Ms Shruti Bhatt | PhD Scholar Department of Biochemistry University of Delhi - South Campus Delhi - 110 021 | jetsfire4@gmail.com |
509 | Dr Nakul C Maiti | Principal Scientist CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Biology (CSIR-IICB) Kolkata - 700 032 | ncmaiti@iicb.res.in |
510 | Mr Sanjeev Kumar Yadav | PhD Scholar Department of Biochemistry University of Delhi - South Campus Delhi - 110 021 | sanjeevbiomed@gmail.com |
511 | Mr Mohd Asim Khan | PhD Scholar Department of Biochemistry University of Delhi - South Campus Delhi - 110 021 | asim1098@gmail.com |
512 | Mr A Sai Rajesh | Doctoral Research Scholar Department of Biosciences and Biotechnology Fakir Mohan University Balasore - 756 089 | asrajesh.9@gmail.com |
513 | Dr Aswathy Gopinathan | Scientist (Senior Scale) Divison of Surgery Indian Veterinary Research Institute Bareilly-243 122 | aswathykiran77@gmail.com |
514 | Dr Vineeta Rai | Postdoctoral Research Scholar Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology NC State University NC 27695-7613 | vineetaiitbombay@gmail.com |
515 | Dr Sandip Kumar Patel | Postdoctoral Research Fellow Buck Institute for Research on Aging Novato CA 94945 | sandipsinghpatel@gmail.com |
516 | Dr Raghavendra L | Assistant Professor Department of Pathology Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences (SGPGI) Lucknow - 226 014 | raghulingaiah@gmail.com |
517 | Mr Karmveer Yadav | Ph.D Scholar Animal Biochemistry Division ICAR-National Dairy Research Institute (ICAR-NDRI) Karnal-132 001 | karmveery3@gmail.com |
518 | Dr Mahanthesh M T | Scientist University of Agricultural Sciences Raichur - 584 104 | drmahan001@gmail.com |
519 | Dr J Vijay Anand | Assitant Professor Department of Veterinary Physiology and Biochemistry Veterinary College and Research Institute Orathanadu-614 625 | vijayanandj6@gmail.com |
520 | Dr Saurabh Gayali | National Post Doctoral Fellow CSIR-Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology New Delhi -110 025 | saurabh.gayali@gmail.com |
521 | Dr P Uma Rani | Post Doctorate Researcher BABA Foundation Royapattah Chennai - 600 014 | umaiitm09@gmail.com |
522 | Dr Surendhar Reddy Chepyala | Postdoctoral Research Associate Department of Structural Biology St. Jude Children\'s Research Hospital Memphis-38105 USA | surendhar.reddy@gmail.com |
523 | Dr Divyabharathi Chepyala | Sr.Research Technologist Department of Chemical Biology and Therapeutics St. Jude Children\'s Research Hospital Memphis-38105 USA | divyareddy.pharm@gmail.com |
524 | T Vinitha | Department of Biotechnology Alagappa University Karaikudi-630 003 | vinithatm25@gmail.com |
525 | Ms. Pooranachithra | Research Scholar Department of Biotechnology Alagappa University Karaikudi - 630 003 | pooranachithra@gmail.com |
526 | Ms Gowripriya Thirumugam | Research Scholar Department of Biotechnology Alagappa University Karaikudi - 630 003 | gowri11896@gmail.com |
527 | Dr Gauri Awasthi | Manager-Proteomics & Bioinformatics Yashraj Biotechnology MIDC TURBHE Navi Mumbai - 400 705 | gauri84@yahoo.com |
528 | Manas Kumar Santra | National Centre for Cell Science | manas56@gmail.com |
529 | Dr Saisha Vinjamuri | Assistant professor Dept. of Biotechnology B.M.S. College of Engineering Bangalore - 560 019 | saishav.bt@bmsce.ac.in |
530 | Dr Rajpal Srivastav | Assistant professor Amity Institute of Biotechnology Amity University Uttar Pardesh Noida-201 313 | rsrivastav2@amity.edu |
531 | Ms. Shveta | Research Associate ICAR-National Dairy Research Institute Karnal - 132001 | shvetabiotech2010@gmail.com |
532 | Dr Manish Devgun | Assistant Professor Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kurukshetra University Kurukshetra -136 119 | manishdev19@kuk.ac.in |
533 | Dr Philem Pushparani Devi | CSIR-National Chemical laboratory Pune - 411 008 | phpuspa@gmail.com |
534 | Dr Rambabu Dandela | Assistant Professor Dept. of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Institute of Chemical Technology- IOC Bhubaneswar Bhubaneswar-751 013 | chem.rambabu@gmail.com |
535 | Dr Sandipan Ray | Assistant Professor Department of Biotechnology Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad Kandi- 502 285 | sandipan.ray@bt.iith.ac.in |
536 | Dr Prasad Kasturi | Assistant Professor School of Basic Sciences Indian Institute of Technology (IIT-Mandi) Mandi - 175005 | prasadkasturi@iitmandi.ac.in |
537 | Dr Kannan Rangiah | Faculty Scientist Institute of Bioinformatics (IOB) Whitefield Bangalore - 560 066 | rangiah@ibioinformatics.org |
538 | Ms Shalini Aggarwal | PhD Scholar Proteomics Lab Biosciences and Bioengineering Department Indian Institute of Technology Bombay Mumbai-400 076 | s.aggarwal.acad@gmail.com |
539 | Dr P Vijayaraj | Sr. Scientist Department of Lipid Science CSIR- Central Food Technological Research Institute Mysore - 570 020 | vrlipid@cftri.res.in |
540 | Dr Anikha Bellad | Research scholar Institute of Bioinformatics (IOB). Bangalore-560 066 | anikhabellad@rediffmail.com |
541 | Dr Pawan Malhotra | Group Leader Malaria Biology Group International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB) New Delhi - 110 067 | pawanm@icgeb.res.in |
543 | Dr. V. Nagaveni | Department of Chemistry Bharath Institute of Engineering and Technology Hyderabad-501510 | a@a.com |
544 | Dr. V. Sabyasachi Bandyopadhyay | Proteomics core facility Centralized core research facility AIIMS-New Delhi. | 8@a.com |
545 | Dr. Deepa Bisht | Department of Biochemistry ICMR-National JALMA institute for Leprosy & other Mycobacterial | 7@a.com |
546 | Dr. Rituparna Banerjee | ICAR National Research Centre on Meat Hyderabad 500092 | 6@a.com |
547 | Ms. Archana | PhD Student NIPGR New Delhi | 5@a.com |
548 | Ms. Atreyee Sengupta | PhD Student NIPGR New Delhi | 4@a.com |
549 | Dr. Pannaga Pavan Jutur | Group Leader ICGEB New Delhi | 31@a.com |
550 | Ms. Latika Bhola | PhD Student NIPGR New Delhi | 2@a.com |
551 | Dr. Swarnendu Bag | Scientist CSIR-IGIB Delhi | swarnendu.bag@igib.res.in |
552 | Dr. Satyajeet Khare | Assistant Professor Symbiosis school of Biological sciences (SSBS) Symbiosis International (Deemed University) Pune | " satyajeetkhare@gmail.com" |
553 | Dr. Arvind.M.Korwar | Assistant Professor National Institute of Biomedical Genomics. | ak2@nibmg.ac.in |
554 | Dr. Rajdeep Das | DBT-RA-II National centre for Biological sciences GKVK campus Bellary road Bangalore 560065 | rajdeep.biochem@gmail.com |
555 | Dr. M.G Madanan | Scientist-E ICMR-Regional medical research centre Port blair Andaman Nicobar islands India-744 103 | madananmg@gmail.com |
556 | Aditi Karmakar | Phd Student CSIR-Indian institute of Chemical Biology Kolkata | " adibios94@csiriicb.res.in" |
557 | Dr. Sumer Singh Meena | Assistant Professor Dept of BioTechnology Dr. Ambedkar National Institute of Technolgy Jalandhar | " meenass@nitj.ac.in" |
558 | Dr. Guru Prasad Muppala | AGM R&D Vaishnavi microbial Pvt Ltd | guru.biotech@gmail.com |
559 | Dr. Kamala A | Head Dept of Biochemistry Maharani Lakshmi Ammanni college for women Autonmous | kamalabc14@gmail.com |
560 | Vani K M | Head Dept of Biochemistry Maharani Lakshmi Ammanni college for women Autonmous | vanirangaswamy@gmail.com |
561 | Dr. Sarika Chaudhary | Associate Professor Bennett University Greater Noida U.P. | sarika.chaudhary@bennett.edu.in |
562 | Dr. Vibhav Gautam | Assistant Professor Centre of Experimental medicine & Surgery Institute of Medical sciences Banaras Hindu University Varanasi 221005 India | vibhav.gautam4@bhu.ac.in |
563 | Dr. Sumit Biswas | Associate Professor Dept of Biological Sciences BITS Pilani Goa | sumit@goa.bits-pilani.ac.in |
564 | Dr. Prabhakar Babele | Junior research scientist Transaltional Health Science and Technology Institute NCR Bio Tech Science Cluster 3rd Milestone faridabad Gurugram Express highway 121001 | prabhakar@thsti.res.in |
565 | Mr. Amit Talukdar | Research scholar Dept of Mol Bio & BioTechnology Tezpur University Tezpur Assam 782003 | amittalukdar789@gmail.com |
566 | Mr. Rajarshi Bhattacharya | Research scholar c/o Gautam Bhattacharya Visva Bharati Circus maidan Indirapalli P.O-P.S Katwa (D)- Purba Bardhaman West Bengal. | rajarshilifescience00@gmail.com |
567 | Dr. Shuvadeep Maity | Assistant Professor Birla Institute of Tecnology & Sciences (BITS)-Pilani Hyderabad campus Hyderabad India 500078 | shuvadeep.maity@gmail.com |
568 | Dr. Somasundaram Arumugam | Assistant Professor Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education & Research (NIPER) Kolkata | somasundaram.niperk@nic.in |
569 | Mr. Ganesha | Senior Research Fellow Dept of Physiotherapy Manipal College of Health Professions Manipal Academy of Higher EducationEducation | poojariganesha@gmail.com |
570 | Mr. Vivek Sarohi | Senior Research Fellow Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)-Mandi | viveksarohi@gmail.com |
571 | Ms Aswathy Nair | Senior Research Fellow Manipal School of Life Sciences Manipal Academy of Higher Education | snairaswathy@gmail.com |
572 | Ms Jennifer Johnson | Research Scholar National forensic sciences university Gandhinagar` | jenniferdec20@gmail.com |
573 | Mr. Aravindan Narayanan | PhD Student National centre for cell Science | aravindgn1@gmail.com |
574 | Mr. Ankit Biswas | Research Scholar Regional Centre for BioTechnology Faridabad | ankit.biswas@rcb.res.in |
575 | Mr. Naman | Research Scholar Regional Centre for BioTechnology Faridabad | naman.phd20@rcb.res.in |
576 | Ms Praneeta Pradip Bhavsar | Research Scholar PhD National centre for cell science-Pune | pranitaabhvsr14@gmail.com |
577 | Mr. J L Sai Kiran | Research Scholar PhD National centre for cell science-Pune | skjajula21@gmail.com |
578 | Mr. Sadanand Govindrao Bhanuse | Research Scholar PhD National centre for cell science-Pune | sadanandbhanuse@gmail.com |
579 | Dr. Suruchi Aggarwal | Research Associate-1 Transaltional Health Science and Technology Institute NCR Bio Tech Science Cluster 3rd Milestone faridabad Gurugram Express highway 121001 | aggarwalsuruchi58@gmail.com |
580 | Ms. Pallavi Rao T | Research Scholar CSIR-CCMB-Hyderabad | pallavi@ccmb.res.in |
581 | Mr. Anurag Raj | Research Scholar PhD CSIR-IGIB New Delhi | " anurag.igib@gmail.com" |
582 | Ms. Swati Aggarwal | Research Scholar PhD Regional Centre for BioTechnology Faridabad | " swati.aggarwal@rcb.res.in" |
583 | " Mr. Subhajit Das" | Research Scholar PhD National centre for cell science-Pune | subhaj85_sit@jnu.ac.in |
584 | Mr Rajat Ujjainiya | CSIR-Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology | rajatujjainia@gmail.com |
585 | Miss Mamta Rathore | CSIR- Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology | mamtarathorekct@gmail.com |
587 | Dr VINAY KUMAR NANDICOORI | CSIR-CCMB | vinaykn@ccmb.res.in |
588 | Dr P Ramalingam | National institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER) Hajipur | drramalinfgamp@gmail.com |
589 | Dr Sagarika Haldar | PGIMER Chandigarh | sagarika.haldar@gmail.com |
591 | Dr Kailas Dashrath Sonawane | Department of Biochemistry Shivaji University Kolhapur Maharashtra | kds_biochem@unishivaji.ac.in |
592 | Dr MD JAHANGIR ALAM | Scientist CSIR-IICB | jahangirmbt@gmail.com |
593 | Dr Sucheta Tripathi | NULL | tsucheta@gmail.com |
594 | Miss ARPITA KULLU | Institute of life sciences | kulluaprita23@gmail.com |
595 | Mr. SHUBHAM | Junior Research Fellow at CSIR-IICB | shubhamkundu91@gmail.com |
598 | Dr ANUP GHOSAL | SWAMI VIVEKANANDA UNIVERSITY | aghosal2021@gmail.com |
599 | Mr ASHEESH KUMAR | CSIR-IHBT | asheeshdhiman97@gmail.com |
600 | Mr Mrinmay Bhunia | CSIR-JRF | mrinmay97bhunia@gmail.con |
601 | Dr Shibdas Banerjee | IISER Tirupati | shibchem85@gmail.com |
602 | Miss Neha Jindal | PGIMER Chandigarh | nehajindal63@gmail.com |
605 | Dr Dipyaman Ganguly | CSIR-IICB | dipyaman.iicb@gmail.com |
606 | Dr S.Rupachandra | Department of Biotechnology School of Bioengineering SRMIST | rupachas@srmist.edu.in |
607 | Dr Kumari Priyam | All India Institute of Medical Sciences New Delhi | choudharypriyam@gmail.com |
608 | Dr Vinod Kumar | PGIMER | vinsh777@gmail.com |
609 | Miss SHOBHA | PhD student | shobhaahlawat@gmail.com |
610 | Miss SHABDA Eknath KULSANGE | CSIR-National Chemical Laboratory | se.kulsange@ncl.res.in |
611 | Mr Arvindkumar Chaurasiya | CSIR-National Chemical Laboratory | akhc1986@gmail.com |
612 | Mrs Vaishali Jain | ICMR-National Institute of Pathology | vaishalijain2503@gmail.com |
613 | Miss HIRA KHATOON | Aligarh Muslim University | hirakhatoon1610@gmail.com |
614 | Dr Ravindra Pal Singh | Gujarat Biotechnology University | ravindrapal.1441@gmail.com |
615 | Dr Snigdha Rai | University of Arizona | snigdharai21@gmail.com |
616 | Dr Soumya Lipsa Rath | Assistant Professor -Grade I | slrath@nitw.ac.in |
619 | Dr. Jubilee Purkayastha | NULL | NULL |
620 | Miss Shimona | CSIR-IMTECH Chandigarh | Shimona12@imtech.res.in |
622 | Dr. Vivek Kumar Maurya | Principal Project Associate | 1@a.com |
623 | Dr. Rashmi Rana | | rashmi.rana@sgrh.com |
624 | Miss Mahima Choudhari | NCCS | mahimachoudhari20783@gmail.com |
625 | Dr. K Neelakanteshwar Patil | CSIR-CFTRI | knpatil@cftri.res.in |
626 | Pragya Nalwa | Phd. Student | nalwapragya@gmail.com |
627 | Dr. Vijay | NULL | wardhan142@gmail.com |
628 | Nisha | Phd. Student NIPGR | nisha@nipgr.ac.in |
629 | Miss Iqra Nafees Khan | Ph.D Student | khanfaizy1997@gmail.com |
630 | Mr Mohit Kumar | Ph.D Student NIPGR | mohitabhi708@nipgr.ac.in |
631 | Kajal | NULL | kajalmh31@gmail.com |
632 | Sanchit Singhania | Translational Health Science & Technology Institute (THSTI) | singhania.sanchit@thsti.res.in |
633 | Kodam Pradeep | BITS-Hyderabad | p20200053@hyderabad.bits-pilani.ac.in |
634 | Miss K Vaishali | Ph.D. Scholar | p20200006@hyderabad.bits-pilani.ac.in |
635 | Divya Mishra | NIPGR | divya.mishra.jnu@gmail.com |
636 | Miss Sukanya Paul | INMAS DRDO | sukanyapaul4.sp@gmail.com |
637 | Neha Kumari | CSIR-CCMB-Hyderabad | nehakumari@ccmb.res.in |
638 | Dr. Umadevi P | Indian agricultural university | umavannan28@gmail.com |
640 | Dr. Rajiv | | rajiv.rintu@gmail.com |
641 | Mohd Ilyas | NULL | muhammad00mail@gmail.com |
642 | Dr. Kiran Kumar Mangalaparthi | Mayo clinic | Mayo clinic |
644 | Dr Evanka | Organization | evanka.madan@gmail.com |
645 | Mr PALLAPROLU NIKHIL | NIPER | nikhilpallaprolu@gmail.com |
648 | Dr P. SENTHIL KUMAR | KARPAGAM ACADEMY OF HIGHER EDUCATION | drsenthilkumarp@gmail.com |
649 | Dr Immanuel Dhanasingh | Associate Professor | immanuel.d@vit.ac.in |
650 | Mr Swaraj Manik Jathar | CSIR-National Chemical Laboratory | swaraj.jathar@gmail.com |
651 | Dr Yashwant Kumar | Translational health science and technology institute | y.kumar@thsti.res.in |
652 | Mr Sonu kumar gupta | THSTI | sonu.gupta@thsti.res.in |
653 | Dr Devendra Meena | Imperial College London | devgahlot@gmail.com |
654 | Mr Anil Behera | ICGEB New Delhi | anil.icgeb23@gmail.com |
655 | Dr Ravindra Taware | National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research-Ahmedabad | ravindra.taware@niperahm.res.in |
657 | Dr Shashirekha Govind | Professor Siksha O Anusandhan University | shashirekhag@soa.ac.in |
658 | Dr RAM K | Assistant Professor | ram.k.bt@kct.ac.in |
659 | Dr Pallavi Kshetrapal | Associate Professor Department of Maternal and Child Health Translational Health Science and Technology Institute (THSTI) Faridabad Haryana | pallavi.kshetrapal@thsti.res.in |
660 | Miss Pavithra Rajkumar | SRM-AP UNIVERSITY | pavithrarajkumar18999@gmail.com |
661 | Mr Subhankar Das | PhD JRF | subhankar56797@gmail.com |
662 | Dr Akhila H S | Research Associate Center for Systems Biology and Molecular Medicine Yenepoya (Deemed to be University) | hsakhila@gmail.com |
664 | Miss ARUNIMA S | ASSAM AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY | arunimacheruvayal@gmail.com |
665 | Miss Subhasmita Das | Institute of Life Sciences | subha1997mama@gmail.com |
666 | Miss NISHI PRAGNYA NAIK | BRIC- Institute of Life Sciences | naik.nishipragnya2016@gmail.com |
667 | Miss FARHAT SAHEEN | INSTITUTE OF LIFE SCIENCES | farhat@ils.res.in |
669 | Dr Laxmi | Kasula | drlakshmikasula@gmail.com |
670 | Dr Swati Allen | Indian Council of Medical Research | allenswati@gmail.com |
676 | Dr BHARATI PANDEY | ICAR-National Dairy Research Institute (NDRI) | bharati.pandey@icar.gov.in |
678 | Dr Sudhanarayani S Rao | Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology | sudhanarayani2507@gmail.com |
682 | Dr Narendra Kumar Sharma | Banasthali Vidyapith | drnarendraks@gmail.com |
684 | Dr Ashutosh Kumar Arya | AIIMS New Delhi | ashutosh.arya@aiims.edu |